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In the wake of storms, some areas may continue to experience power outages.
As commercial power is recovered, service should return. If it does not, power cycle your modem


In the wake of storms, some areas may continue to experience power outages.
As commercial power is recovered, service should return. If it does not, power cycle your modem

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Deposits assessed

Deposit for service will be refunded to customer for whichever event comes first:

  • Disconnection of Service or
  • The first bill cycle that occurs at least 365 days after receipt of the deposit

Returned deposit amounts will be applied to the customer account to first satisfy any outstanding monies owed to RCNWaveGrandeenTouch, including any early termination fees assessed, and will be assessed against monies owed to RCNWaveGrandeenTouch until this amount is exhausted. Any credit remaining after all RCNWaveGrandeenTouch debts have been satisfied will be refunded to the customer.


Not all services, speeds, packages, equipment, channels, tiers, pricing, streaming services, product offerings and product features are available in all areas. Offers valid only for new residential customers or previous customers with account in good standing who have not had our service within the last 60 days. All names, logos, images and service marks are property of their respective owners. Other restrictions may apply.